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4 Tips for Breeding Pigs

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Do you want to start breeding your own pigs in an effort to make a profit from it? Jumping into such an industry isn't the best idea if you don't have much knowledge about pregnant swine. However, you quickly learn everything that is necessary to make sure the pregnant pigs are well taken care of. Take a look at this article for a few tips that can help you get a good start on your pig breeding business.

1. Pay Attention to the Menstrual Cycle

Just like with a human female, a pig has a regular menstruation cycle. You will see blood on the pigs when they are on their period. You might also see the blood on the ground where they spend the most time sitting and sleeping. It is important for you to pay attention to any unusual activity in regards to the menstrual cycle when the breeding process begins. A missed or light period can signify that a pig is pregnant, which is important if any special care is needed.

2. Look for Signs of Swelling

After a pig has been pregnant for a few months, you will begin to notice that she is swollen. The swelling can occur in several different areas of the body. For example, the vulva will usually swell up as the pregnancy progresses. You will also notice a change in the size of the udders. As you may already know, a pig's abdomen will also swell up after she has been pregnant for a while. More fluid accumulating inside of the uterus is what leads to early stage pregnancy swelling, other than the growing fetus.

3. Carefully Monitor the Heartbeat

The activity of the heart will usually change a lot when a pig is pregnant. For example, the heart will begin to beat in an abnormal pattern. If you monitor the heartbeat of your swine on a regular basis, it is likely you'll notice changes in the rhythm. You can purchase a stethoscope if you don't want to call a vet to monitor the heartbeat.

4. Invest in Ultrasound Equipment

One of the best investments that you can make for your pig breeding business is in ultrasound equipment. Giving the pigs ultrasounds is one of the most accurate ways to detect when they have become pregnant. A Doppler ultrasound machine will give pregnancy results that you can rely on, as it measures sounds that are related to being pregnant. There are also other ultrasound devices that you can purchase. Simply visit a livestock medical equipment dealer to find what you need.
